wudan mountain returns...

bound by faith and blood.

Monday, October 23, 2006

"no - slow - go"?

Is that really the reason for unanswered prayers? "NO - SLOW - GO"?

I reflecting on my own prayer life in relation to this past week's chapter, it felt as if the chapter itself wasn't so helpful in regards to my own struggles with the mysteries of unanswered prayer. I've actually read several different books that try to address the issue, but because of experiences I've had in life, I think my own personal faith can sometimes struggle with the aspect of being faithful in prayer.

It's easy to pray when you see your prayers being answered immediately, and the results are crystal clear. It's much harder to pray when they aren't being answered immediately, or when the results are much more muddy and unclear. In the latter case, I think what makes it especially hard is the fact that even after I take the time to reflect on what I'm praying is in line God's will for the circumstances, there can be circumstances where I feel strongly that God should be answering my prayers because theyre prayers that involve other people's interests too. The chapter of the book seeemed to create an impression that anytime a prayer goes unanswered, that's because you're wrong or praying for the wrong thing.

But if you're praying for the right thing, doesn't that imply your prayers will be answered?

Not necessarily, I suppose...


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