Matt. 7, verses 13-23
This initial sequence of verses in chapter 19 is a fascinating one. It explicitly implies that the road to ruin is the easy path to take, and that the righteous path is the one that's the tough course to stay on. It goes on to emphasize how important it is to be wary of "false prophets" out there who are out to deceive and mislead the populace for the sake of their own selfish gain, monetary or otherwise. It's sad to think there are people out there who are like this, who will purposely attract the generosity of the masses for their own misguided, diabolical ends. To counter this, it further suggests that one always be on the lookout for "fruit," and whether it is good or bad may lend some insight. I can't help but think of televangelists in this light, but at the same time I'm in really no position to judge. Just to watch out intently like a sniper for the "Carmen Miranda" so to speak.
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