wudan mountain returns...

bound by faith and blood.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Daniel Q's

How does this dream differ from the one Daniel interpreted for Nebuchadnezzar?

What are the possible interpretations of the 4th beast?

What purpose does this dream and interpretation serve?

DanQs 7

verse 14 - does this reinforce that God is also God of all peoples/nations?
verse 18 - what actually nations do/did the four beasts represent?
verse 24-25 - who is this king?
verse 28 - is daniel going crazy?

Daniel 7 shitsumon

1) In verses 1-7, the number 4 appears frequently. What was the significance of that number in Jewish culture / prophecy?

2) What were the cultural associations Jewish and Babylonian peoples have with eagles, bears, and leopards?

3) What exactly is the idea of a "beast" in the original language?

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Daniel 6 Questionification

-v.7 Was death via lion a normal punishment? What were normal punishments at the time for breaking Babylonian laws?

-v.10 Is it normal in Jewish tradition to pray 3 times a day (like the Islam requirement for Muslims to pray 5 times a day)?

-v.28 How long did Daniel live?

Daniel Q's

Chapter 6
1. Background/History of Cyrus and Darius. (this means you must do research hahaha)
2. Was there any way of amending a written decree from the king. What's to say that a king couldnt make a stupid law that would need changing. Seems too binding.
3. Did Darius feel guilt for making a law that would exalt him and sentence Daniel to death?

daniel 6

is there any added significance to the proclamation (end of chapter) of the king?

how did the political systme allow Daniel to remain a commissioner?

was there any precendence to the initial statute?

Monday, May 09, 2005

Daniel 5 Questions

1. What happened to Nebuchanezzar?

2. What were the goblets from God's temple in Jerusalem used for originally?

3. What does the purple robe and chain signify?

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Daniel Q's

How old was Big D at this time?
Why did Belshazzar use the gold and silver goblets from Jerusalem?
Why were they having a banquet anyways?


1. At what point (in relation to King Neb's life) did King Belshazzar come into reign? Was it when Neb was acting like a wild animal for 7 years or after his death?

Verse 5 is like something that comes out of a thriller movie. Freaky.

2. (Verse 18 - 21) So is Daniel giving homage to King Neb? Does this consider that King Neb was righteous even through he didn't come to terms with God until towards the end of his life?

3. Since King Belshazzar gets taken out that night, does Daniel keep his new ranking? Or does this spell out new trouble for big D?

daniel 5

1. why do you suppose that Nebuchanezzar did not pass on his new found values to his son?

2. why did Belshazzar keep his promise to Daniel even after the negative interpretation?

Comment: I find it very interesting that that very night, the king was overthrown. Basically that means that Daniel was lifted up to that position for onlya few hours.

3. had Daniel already retired from the royal service? otherwise he'd have been better known in Babylon at the time.

Daniel 5 Questions

1) What's the significance of being the "3rd ruler of the kingdom"?
2) Is "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN" Hebrew? What is the true meaning?
3) If Belshazzar was a Chaldean, what is his exact lineage in relation to his father, Nebuchadnezzar?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Daniel Q's

1. What does Neb's momentary praise of God say about how he and the Babylonians view religion and worship?

2. Was anyone else other than Nebachadnezzar aware of the interpretation of his dream by Daniel?

3. Why does Daniel seemingly desire the success of Neb's reign to continue, when he says "My lord, if only the dream applied to your enemies and its meaning to your adversaries!"?

Monday, May 02, 2005

Daniel Questions

1. Where was Daniel during all this when all the officials had been summoned before Nebuchadnezzar and the Golden image?

2. is there a signifigance to why (in chapter 4) it keeps switching from first to third person? Is it Nebuchadnezzar who is recounting this or Daniels account?

3. What were Nebuchadnezzar's advisers and nobles doing during all the time he was missing?

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Daniel Questions

1) What's a satrap?
2) Why did the Babylonians keep around a man-sized furnace?
3) What are some of the historical interpretations of the Daniel 4 prophecy?