wudan mountain returns...

bound by faith and blood.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Daniel Questions...

For those who don't know what's going on now with these questions, it's for our Community Group study on Daniel that we just started. Posting our questions (or lack of - FONG!) is something that we're trying to keep us accountable for going over the chapters before we meet.

Daniel 1 Qs:
1) Why would Daniel and Co. be defiling themselves by eating the royal food? Is it really not that good that it would endanger their well being. By them just eating vegggies and water set them apart for God? (1:8-17)

2) Seems like Daniel was in the king's court for awhile, till the first year of King Cyrus. How long would that be? (1:21)

Daniel 2 Qs:
3) After hearing the interpretation of the dream, does this really cause King Neb to come before God and recognizing He is the one true God, or does God get filed in with all the other gods like He's just another mystical/magical thing?

See you guys Monday night!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Checking in

Daniel 1 & 2 questions

1. How am I properly negotiating the ways of society and the ways of God?
2. Am I negatively effecting those around me by my inability to let God work in my life?
3. How are my actions showing my belief that God can do the amazing? Do I believe He can?

Daniel 1 Questions

1. Why were the royal family and nobles spared and given an education by the conquering Babylonians for government service?

2. What were the basic concepts of Babylonian culture and literature at the time?

3. Is there any particular reason that totally obstained from all meat?

Monday, April 11, 2005

I decided not to apply

Awhile ago, I posted a prayer request for direction in terms of a mission to Brazil. I thought it best not to apply. Various reasons came up not to go and I thought that I need to be working right now instead of postponing that for 4 months. Issues with paying for my medicine have come up and I thought that it would be best not to put this strain on my parents. Plus I don't know why I'd be going on the mission anyway.

As of right now, I feel that my relationship with God is not as strong as it could be and that missing church has played a big part in that. The relationship with God is the central part of being a Christian along with being in fellowship with other believers. I felt that if I am not getting this right right now, then what makes me think that I'll get it right 2 months down the road?

Anyway, I just thought that I'd update you guys to my decision. Thanks Garrett for praying for me and anyone else who did so also. I would like to go on a mission someday, but I felt that for now, it didn't seem right.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

CoHi2005 & AsianAm Church Thoughts

This past Monday night, there was another meeting for CoHi2005. A lot of people came (a lot = 12 to 15), the most I've ever seen, and it was a fairly good mix of different people, past participants, and various churches. It was encouraging and yet to me, also daunting to think that there's only 6 months from the projected date of the event in October.

Ten random thoughts I had during the meeting:

1) I like the idea that some people who have never been to CoHi and people who are CoHi "veterans" might be working together... something new and something old combined.

2) It's good to see some people who are passionate about the Asian American community knowing God like I am.

3) Everyone has the potential to be a "leader", but I'm not sure how committed people are. Some people gave me the impression that CoHi is just another thing being added to an already crowded plate.

4) Everyone seems to see the same needs in our community, but I think opinions vary widely on what's the best way to minister as God would to those needs. There's a lot of good ideas bouncing around, but they haven't been sorted fully for the details to be fleshed out, and the clock is ticking.

5) The conference format is very commuter dependent... but it brings the challenge that many of the targeted demographic of people, high schoolers and college students, are often dependent on others for transportation.

6) It's also going to be a challenge to build inter-church community when people aren't going to be spending as much time together as they would have to if they were shut in together inside a cabin.

7) I like the idea that CoHi is viewed as a part of a movement that God is already stirring, but I wonder how much long term planning is being considered taking into account that we want people's faith to be carried out over their lives and not just one weekend.

8) In relation to #6, the arguable weakness of many past CoHi events (including 2002), has been the weakness in follow-up and developing disciples from large numbers of those who had a desire to grow. There are of course exceptional people to whom this doesn't apply, but "CoHi droughts" point to a consistent error: many leaders have failed to properly raise up future leaders.

9) The ability of local churches to evangelize young people often depends on the quality of the faith of those who already attend them, and the vitality of their lives as living witnesses. CoHi will be depending on local churches a lot to help with this conference... but what if the local churches are weak? What if leadership and faithful people who serve are either poorly supported or completely absent?

10) I hope a lot happens between now and the next meeting in May. It's exciting to see God at work visibly around me.

Any other people who attended the meeting have thoughts?

Monday, April 04, 2005

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

wow, people are really slackin' after easter. :)

but this passage speaks to something a friend asked about, "what does it mean for Jesus to die for your sins?" this coming from a non-believer was an interesting question to answer. and the more i think about it and read God's Word, I'm reminded of what the really means - the we're reconciled with God through Christ. As much as that is filled with "Christianese" it's hard to dumb it down, but as I'm also reminded to always have an answer for those who ask, I pray to be able to fill that call without stressing out about messing up. phew!