wudan mountain returns...

bound by faith and blood.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Joshua 16-17

The allotment of land continues... it's like real estate, Bible style. It's interesting to note that the "tribe of Joseph" was actually recognized as two groups of people because they were so numerous - Manasseh (Joseph's firstborn) and Ephraim.

In the passage, the Manasseh and Ephraim are given land, but land that is too small for the number of people they need. They ask Joshua for more, but instead, he instructs them that will have to go out themselves and conquer additional land for themselves. The people of Manasseh and Ephraim are afraid however, because the inhabitants of the additional land they need are strong and have better rides - chariots of iron.

This little fact made me reflect on this: God may bless us initially with a little bit, but if we are fufill His blessings to their maximum, we must trust Him fully and we must often overcome difficult circumstances on that trust alone... even if it means tackling something we believe is impossible for us to handle.


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